A Heart That Didn’t Beat Blood That Was Cold, No Form of happiness nothing at all, nothing but pain Discomforts and grief, you came into my life and now its Complete, A Heart That Beats, Blood That Runs Warm, You Brought Me Love, Love I Never Had Before, You Take away Pain and Bring Me Pleasure, you love is something I will forever treasure.
Is it love or just a fling, I don’t care there the same thing, or maybe it is just a silly little game, play with my head, I’ll love you the same.
Things change, nothing stays the same, my heart is stopping and my blood starts to change, I feel my old self coming back, you know, the one you feared and wouldn’t laugh at, the one you loved at the start of this show, well guess what she’s back, him heart like a stone blood like ice, shes’s been fooled before, it wont happen twice, it wont happen again, not in her life.
How could you do such a wicked thing, you told her you loved her, Was that to keep her keen? Well the love is gone, and I’m back, don’t mess with me, I’ve had enough of that, back to myself as I was before, heart like iron, looks that could kill, She’s been mest about before, and she is ready to kill.