Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Ehmm lama gak bersua nih... he2... Awal minggu ini kembali drop.... gak tau capek atao kenapa... tapi sekarang bisa nge blog lagi....

Iya nih vy pengen posting foto2 yang di ambil dari Jene'berang yang diambil dari folder2 foto yang sesak dalam kompi... then di edit dan dipostingin... thanks buat fotografer na... he2 (Are u There???)

Pict 1:
Pict 2:
Pict 3:
Pict 4:
Pict 5:


Anonymous said...

kaos yang dipake' model cowo'nya lucuuuuw..
Starfuck coffee. mau dunks!

Btw, I really really loose my sense of "ngeblogging". Life is soooooo complicated lately. :(


Anonymous said...

Ehmmm Nice Editing Dude.... Tambah pinter... Wakaka


فاتن said...

like the pic
spacilly with the sky